Sunday, October 7, 2007

Missing Childhood

How I wish I could be six or seven or eight years old, I miss my childhood dearly. Those are the days where one can be themselves no matter what people think about you, mostly they wouldn’t bother you much as we do not fall into their radar.

You know what I miss most about being a kid? Laughing at the top of my lungs, running without any inhibitions, falling without embarrassment, eating anything I wanted, having meals ready on the table without me having to think about it, digging grass and hunting for bugs and worms, collecting marbles and shells by the shore, getting pampered when I fell sick, mom's fingers running through my hair to put me to sleep, waking up excited about a new day, exploring just about anything, having fights for many petty things and not worrying about wearing a white tee-shirt and getting soaked, fighting over a toy, chair, TV (the only thing that has not changed is the fight for the TV, opponent now is my son) and then getting bored of it and sharing cookies, loving going to school (that am not sure about, because I used to detest going) using my imagination, thinking love was a funny word more than ‘funny’ something which can’t be uttered as it is supposed to be sinful and not being afraid of anything in life!...


None said...

Lovely! The pristine days of childhood are truly lovely.

Shalini Gowrisankar said...

Childhood , the thoughts of wish I relish today and always will.. But, those days I always wanted to grow up .. After few years I will miss my college days as well, so I might as well enjoy that now :)

Nice blog you have :)

Daya Kingston said...

Nice thoughts ..brings back memories of childhood. But one gotta b Peter Pan if u dont wanna grow up

Raghu said...

Best part of childhood was you can be active the way you want to - play, visit friends, hang around inside or outside your house, watch TV, read or do just about anything. As an adult, we are active too except that we do things that HAVE to be done rather than what we would like to do - like house work or a bill to pay or some work for self or family that is almost always pending.

Sam said...

This is beautiful, it perfectly captures the joys of youth.

I feel myself missing childhood terribly lately. I'm only 19, but I can already feel the weight of impending adulthood.

Now, I analyze myself and every situation to death. I feel like I'm always worried, rarely happy.

Hopefully, I'll be as happy as I was when I was a kid some day.

What have you done to cope with the loss of childhood happiness?

The student said...

My Girlfriend feels just like you. she missed her childhood. but i dont understand you guys. being adult is as awesome as being a child. there is lots of thing you can be only when you're adult.