Monday, November 5, 2007

I don’t care!!!!

No matter what people say, I have to write what I feel, I mean that was the reason why I started a blog, so, for heaven sake don’t try to advise me, you know am not the listening type. I have reached a point where I just can’t do it, really I mean, enough, I have done enough and now I need to look out, which I am,

This is how I feel right now:

Flesh-eating, eye-gouging, skin-scratching, heart-bleeding, skull-crushing, life-blighting, soul-destroying darkness. Darkness drawing me deeper and deeper down a long well, a long spiraling descent into a place where all sense of self is lost- where all you ever were, all you wanted to be, and all you are is lost, sucked down into a miasma and maelstrom of never ending destruction, torment, suffering.

I know i always sound depressed, but when someone feels that way, you can't you leave him or her the way she wants to be. On the other hand, am so cautious that there at times I have left valuable things pass by, should I call it cautious or careless?

I am not over emphasizing a minor part and diminishing a major development, I am just trying to do something, at least attempting to do so, never know that might boomerang,As my friend says I am the best judge, Thanks Sam for being with me. End of the day it’s you who I always count on!


Samathu Iyengaar Ponnu said...

Hey.. very profound.. think this is yr best blog yet!!

Unknown said...

Writing the best form of relaxation :)