Sunday, December 30, 2007

What goes around comes around

It`s eve and i have no mood to work. Honestly came to office to surf the net, chat with my friends, share with them what they are upto this evening. Not that I am a party animal but of late like to know what my friends would like to do, you know they are mindless crap!!! Talking about 2007 I must admit it has been a nice year for me. I have changed a lot. 2007 made a better person out of me (I should say). Now, I am not going to spell what I did but share the fact that everytime there is an argument in the house my hubby says "What goes around comes around." What does it mean, no idea. All our life we have constantly heard of idioms or phrases or proverbs so to speak which are life's great lessons passed on from one generation to another... Some popular ones include:
No pain no gain
As u sow so u reap
A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
A stitch in time saves nine

Other phrases in Tamil ...not so much as proverbs...told to me by all the maaaaaamis in my family:
vecha kudumi sarcha mottai
kudikaaran pechu vidinju pochua
athu le pottalum alandhu dhaan podanum
minnuvadhelam ponnala
kakkai ku than kunju pon kunju
kadai thengave eduthu vazhi pulayaruku udaicha kathai....

Anycase...point of all this all time favourite saying in life is "what goes around comes around"...Why because my man says it all the time. I can recall countless incidents from my life and others known to me where this saying has stood its ground...whether its bithcing, stealin someone's guy, takin credit for someone else's work or just being plain nasty to someone....always remember...Wat goes around DEFINETLY comes around!!!!


வத்திராயிருப்பு தெ. சு. கவுதமன் said...

another one nice proverb... "To gain something you should loss something!" related proverb in tamil "kuulukkum aasai, meesaikkum aasai"!

Ed Vis said...

Another one is

"You reap what you sow"