Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Cupid's fault

Whenever cupid tries to play naughty tricks on me, I willfully fall. Am I to be blamed or the cupid? Anyway what I wanted to tell you guys is in school and college i always looked for soul mates, so called soul mates, one starts to have thoughts about love, waiting to meet 'the one', will he be my man, so on and so forth. I remember at one time I was longing for my true love and spent half the time wondering about where he would be, would he be longing like me and share with my friends such wishy-washy stuff. They knew am a little crazy, still they encouraged me for their selfish needs, that is just killing the time with what this lady had to say about her private life. Some kick they used to get out of it and I too was a blabber mouth not that I have changed, but honestly have improved to blabber more.

To mock me, cupid played with me and I met my man on June 26, 1997. Jeez, my life just took a twist, felt as if all the happiness in the world had fallen under my feet. In fact, I always thought if ever i get married it should not be an arranged marriage, because how two different entities not knowing anything about their individualities get married and strangely make love during first night, don’t you think it is completely absurd. Can't even think about it. Well to make matters worse, sorry, to make matters easy I got married to my man. I know him for ten years and god has given him the strength to put up with me all these years. I guess God has been very generous as he mustered all the courage and patience to put up with a freako like me. Pause..... Prayed and thanked the almighty for showing me the right person, how i wish he had to say the same things about me too. May be he too has some blog or something where he has penned whatever he has felt and is feeling about his lady love or lady luck!!!! Many years have gone, I am still beaming so much so that I wish I could kick myself to get my head back straight... so this what loves does to you huh!!!


Lakshmy Venkiteswaran said...

Why do u feel u r a freak? What is not normal about u? Or y shud u b normal like others? Wat the fuck is normal anyways Nee? No, u r not a freak. U r a nice person. Fun, gentle, strong & intelligent in ur own way. We all hav our little quirks that sets us apart from the rest....that makes us unique! If ur hub or ur mum cannot understand or appreciate u, its unfortunate for them coz they hav no idea wat they're losing! Besides, men dont relate to love or anything personal like women do. I'm sure he loves u in his own way.

You marry someone to share your life with him - for better or for worse! I believe in that 100% & more. So if u think ur hub is doin u a favour for putting up with u, then u r wrong. Its his duty as ur husband just its ur obligation as a wife to be with him every step of the way.

Falling in love is so very easy Nee. But stayin in it and sustaining a relationship thru tht lov is the most difficult thing to do. I'm not gonna comment on ur relationship with ur hub coz I hav no right! But since I know u lov ur hub, do wat u need to do. Do wat u want to do but never shirk ur duties.

As for being a blabber mouth.... dont brood over ur past or ur mistakes for long. Don't forget them, learn from them & never repeat them ever again!

And I DONT ever wanna ever read another blog of urs, where u put urself down. If others think u r crazy, trust me, they may be actaully sayin the truth coz crazy is fun! Normalcy, watever the fuck it means, is boring! God Bless U!

nikhil said...
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